When using Stringee Call API for the first time, you must have a Stringee account. If you do not have a Stringee account, sign up for free here: https://developer.stringee.com/account/register
Create a Project on Stringee Dashboard
Buy a Number (optional)
For app-to-phone, phone-to-app calling, buy a Number from Dashboard. If you only need app-to-app calling, skip this step.
Configure answer_url
For more information on answer_url, read Stringee Call API Overview. You can view answer_url sample code here: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/tree/master/answer_url
If you do not have answer_url, to speed things up you can use the following Project's answer_url:
Project's answer_url for App-to-App call:
Project's answer_url for App-to-Phone call:
(Source code here: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/blob/master/answer_url/php/project_answer_url.php)
When building an application, you should use your own answer_url.
If you do not have a answer_url, to speed things up you can use the following Number's answer_url:
Number's answer_url for Phone-to-App call (The call is routed to Your App which authenticated by USER_ID):
Number's answer_url for Phone-to-Phone call (The call is routed to TO_NUMBER):
(Source code here: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/blob/master/answer_url/php/number_answer_url.php)
When building an application, you should use your own answer_url.
The simplest way to import the SDK into an iOS project is with CocoaPods. Open your project's Podfile and add this line to your app's target:
pod 'Stringee'
Then from the command line run:
pod install --repo-update
If you're new to CocoaPods, see their official documentation for info on how to create and use Podfiles.
In the "Build Settings" tab -> "Other linker flags" add "$(inherited)" flag
In the "Build Settings" tab -> "Enable bitcode" select "NO"
To add the SDK in Xcode:
Add the following libraries and frameworks to Target -> "Build Phases" -> "Link Binary With Libraries":
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses Camera</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses Microphone</string>
In order to connect to Stringee Server, 3-parties authentication is required as described here: Client authentication
For testing purpose, go to Dashboard -> Tools -> Generate Access token and generates an access_token. In production, the access_token should be generated by your server. This is a sample code to generate an access token: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/tree/master/access_token
#import <Stringee/Stringee.h>
In .h file
@interface ViewController : UIViewController <StringeeConnectionDelegate>
@property(strong, nonatomic) StringeeClient *stringeeClient;
In .m file
- (void)requestAccessToken:(StringeeClient *)stringeeClient {
- (void)didConnect:(StringeeClient *)stringeeClient isReconnecting:(BOOL)isReconnecting {
NSLog(@"Successfully connected to Stringee Server, user ID: %@", stringeeClient.userId);
- (void)didDisConnect:(StringeeClient *)stringeeClient isReconnecting:(BOOL)isReconnecting {
- (void)didFailWithError:(StringeeClient *)stringeeClient code:(int)code message:(NSString *)message {
NSLog(@"Failed connection to Stringee Server with error: %@", message);
NSString *accessToken = @"...";
self.stringeeClient = [[StringeeClient alloc] initWithConnectionDelegate:self];
[self.stringeeClient connectWithAccessToken:accessToken];
When the client connects to Stringee Server, instantiate a StringeeCall2 object and call the makeCallWithCompletionHandler method:
StringeeCall2 *stringeeCall2 = [[StringeeCall2 alloc] initWithStringeeClient:self.stringeeClient from:@"+1273065979" to:@"+1909982888"];
[stringeeCall2 makeCallWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL status, int code, NSString * message, NSString *data){
NSLog(@"Make call result: code=%d, message: %@", code, message);
The type of the outgoing call (app-to-app or app-to-phone) is decided by Your Server via the project's answer_url. Hence, you should be able to complete it independently. However, we offer an easy method for you to implement quickly:
stringeeCall2.customData = @"custom";
"custom" is a customizable text that be sent to Your Server via the project's answer_url. You can set it as: {'type': 'app-to-app'}, {'type':'app-to-phone'} or any other texts you want. Your Server will check this text to determine whether the call is app-to-app or app-to-phone.
Implement the StringeeCallDelegate protocol
#import <Stringee/Stringee.h>
@interface ViewController : UIViewController <StringeeConnectionDelegate, StringeeCall2Delegate>
@property(strong, nonatomic) StringeeClient *stringeeClient;
in .m file:
//----------- StringeeCall2Delegate -->
- (void)didChangeSignalingState2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 signalingState:(SignalingState)signalingState reason:(NSString *)reason sipCode:(int)sipCode sipReason:(NSString *)sipReason {
NSLog(@"signalingState: %d", signalingState);
- (void)didChangeMediaState2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 mediaState:(MediaState)mediaState {
NSLog(@"mediaState: %d", mediaState);
- (void)didReceiveLocalStream2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 {
- (void)didReceiveRemoteStream2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 {
- (void)didHandleOnAnotherDevice2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 signalingState:(SignalingState)signalingState reason:(NSString *)reason sipCode:(int)sipCode sipReason:(NSString *)sipReason {
NSLog(@"didAnsweredOnOtherDevice %d", signalingState);
//----------- StringeeCall2Delegate <--
and set delegates for stringeeCall:
stringeeCall2.delegate = self;
Implement the StringeeIncomingCallDelegate protocol
#import <Stringee/Stringee.h>
@interface ViewController : UIViewController <StringeeConnectionDelegate, StringeeCall2Delegate, StringeeIncomingCallDelegate>
@property(strong, nonatomic) StringeeClient *stringeeClient;
in .m file:
- (void)incomingCallWithStringeeClient:(StringeeClient *)stringeeClient stringeeCall2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 {
NSLog(@"incomingCallWithStringeeClient, from: %@, to: %@", stringeeCall2.from, stringeeCall2.to);
and set incomingCallDelegate for stringeeClient:
self.stringeeClient.incomingCallDelegate = self;
When the client receives an incoming call
- (void)incomingCallWithStringeeClient:(StringeeClient *)stringeeClient stringeeCall2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 {
NSLog(@"incomingCallWithStringeeClient, from: %@, to: %@", stringeeCall2.from, stringeeCall2.to);
stringeeCall2.delegate = self;
Call the following method to initialize resources:
[stringeeCall2 initAnswerCall];
Call the following method to answer and start the conversation:
[stringeeCall2 answerCallWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL status, int code, NSString *message) {
NSLog(@"%@", message);
Call the following method to Hang up a call.
[stringeeCall2 hangupWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL status, int code, NSString *message) {
NSLog(@"%@", message);
Call the following method to reject a call.
[stringeeCall2 rejectWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL status, int code, NSString *message) {
NSLog(@"%@", message);
stringeeCall2.isVideoCall = YES;
- (void)didReceiveLocalStream2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[stringeeCall2.localVideoView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width, [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height)];
[self.view insertSubview:stringeeCall2.localVideoView atIndex:0];
-(void) didReceiveRemoteStream2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[stringeeCall2.remoteVideoView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.containRemoteView.bounds.size.width, self.containRemoteView.bounds.size.height)];
[self.containRemoteView addSubview:stringeeCall2.remoteVideoView];
- (void)didChangeMediaState2:(StringeeCall2 *)stringeeCall2 mediaState:(MediaState)mediaState {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (mediaState == MediaStateConnected) {
[[StringeeAudioManager instance] setLoudspeaker:YES];
You can view the full version of this sample app on GitHub: https://github.com/stringeecom/ios-sdk-samples/tree/master/CallkitSample-Call2